Thursday, April 15, 2010

Already 2 weeks @ ALAM

First, i'm confused to write this blog either in English or Malay. I need to write in formal or "casual". What should i'm writing about? Huhuhu3 a lot of thing that need to be consider,right :D That's why i took 2 weeks to develop this blog. Huh! So for this first entry, i wrote a lot of thnigs starting my first day @ ALAM until today.

First Day on 5th April 2010
  • I have orientation briefing from HR department.
  • My supervisor, En Hairul Fadly Bin Ali is given me a briefly explaination about IT department in ALAM. This short briefing cover on ALAM's network, Network Access Control (NAC) project and NAC database.

Second Day on 6th April 2010

  • I need to involve in NAC project.
  • My task is to install 5 thing in some computer of ALAM staff.
  • To install this, i took the installer from ALAM server.

Third Day on 7th April 2010

  • I have to install Anti Virus software.
  • This software from another ALAM server.
  • Continue the NAC project

Fourth Day on 8th April 2010

  • Continue the NAC Project @ CLINIC
  • Update the NAC Database

Fifth Day on 9th April 2010

  • Continue the NAC project. My part is done in this day. Congratulation!!!
  • Learn on how to format PC & Laptop (Oh! i know a new thing)
  • Learn also on how to do a backup. (Mr David PC has a lot of Virus.Tricky.Huh!)

Sixth Day on 12th April 2010 (A new Week)

  • Mr Gopal (Head of Department) is giving me one big task.
  • The task is to create a SOP Manual. (Dead line is 2 weeks from this date)
  • Create form which is "Aduan Kerosakan".

Seventh Day on 13th April 2010

  • Today my focus on SOP Manual (Too many things)

Eighth Day on 14th April 2010

  • Update NAC Database
  • Set up a laptop @ Main Conference (A new thing for me.Thanks a lot Mr Hafis)
  • Learn on how to Remote Desktop Connection (Actually it is a server remote,huhu maybe)

Nineth Day on 15th April 2010

  • Today is a public holiday for Malacca. "Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah"

Tenth Day on 16th April 2010 (Today laa, right)

  • I learn about SAP. In E-Bisness subject teach by Pn Aliza, i learn a few about SAP.Huhu


dilla said...

hahahahaha.....mcm2 keje ko ek..

SaraHatika ZaMan said...

Ahhah3 tahu xpe dilla. sengal sekejap aku ase... ngeh3 :D tapi banyak involve network r dilla...

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Copyright 2010 by "Sarahatika Zaman " The Author ofTraining Diary