Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20th April 2010

Less more work than yesterday.Yepie!!!Huhu but it does not mean no work for me today k :D Ok dear training diary on 20th April 2010, i have 4 task to do. A simple task :D

Solve a printer server @FMSD
  • Before this i have a same problem but at that time i don't know how to solve this. I post this problem to my facebook but none of my member able to solve this ok :D

  • This is a printer server. We know that a printer can be share among all department and LAN network is responsible to manage the connection. In a simple word is sharing a printer Over LAN.

Solve a Graphic Card Problem

  • For this task, i not do alone. En Hafis is helping me.
  • I need to "Bukak" CPU/Computer and "Keluarkan" Graphic Card.
  • Then a tiny3 thing to do, i'm done (Yuhuuu)

Solve ICT Service Desk connection problem

  • Cannot open ICT Service Desk (Facebook,blog,google,yahoo can be open except this)
  • MISC portal is in intranet coverage but ICT Service Desk is in internet.
  • First, i change the Internet cable to streamyx (not ok yet)
  • Then, i setup at internet connection (still not ok)
  • Hurm. i change the internet cable again and setup the internet connection (still not ok)
  • Lastly, i go to alam server. i do a tiny3 thing, adjust and then my internet connection is ok.

SOP Manual for SAP application

  • En Zam has forgot the password, so my work can not be done today. Arggghhh this week is the last week for SOP Manual (SAP application). Only En Zam know the password but now.........uwawawa
  • It's ok Atika. En Fadly will manage this for you. After lunch hour he "masuk" office. Then,i will discuss with him about this.
  • The worse thing, Mr Gopal has ask me the progress. Arghhhhh do know r Mr Gopal. Can you extend the dead line? It's not my fault ok :(( hukhukhuk


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