Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another new day

On this day, I got one specific task to do. Seriously this task is really confius. I have no idea how to settle!!! Hurm... Once again Mr Gopal ask me the progress. How i'm suppose to do? Who should i'm asking for help.Mr Fadly is half day.He will enter office after lunch hour. So, the whole day i gonna focus on this job.

  • SAP logon [Status:Pass] OK
  • I'm follow strickly as in Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) something is not right here.
  • Now, i'm stuck here!
  • Just wait & see for solution after lunch hour.Hopefully, this problem can be resolved. ChayOk3.
  • Another one task is to edit my design on incident form.


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Copyright 2010 by "Sarahatika Zaman " The Author ofTraining Diary