Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Weeks [19th April 2010]

Today is the BZ day.Huh! Really the "penat" u know :(( . There are 3 major job scope for today given by En Fadly. I will descibe one by one ok :)

  1. Install SAP [ABAP Programming,maybe continue using this application 2morrow]
  2. Create Incident Report Form
  3. En Hafiz & En Nasir need to report each Incident & Problem to me. Then, i will keep this database in ICT Service Pack. Here is the step to logon the database.


SaraHatika ZaMan said...

Without the streamyx @ ALAM [En Hafiz is using this network], i cannot attached any picture to this blog. ALAM has block @ALAM i'm using petronet network. Huhuhu

Zai said...

Salam dik tika..
waa...bnyk nyer mcm best je keje2 tu.Nnt blh la ajr2 psl network ye.hehe.
Take care =)

SaraHatika ZaMan said...

Wasalam Kak Zai ...
memang banyak sanagt2 keje. Supervisor tika xleh tengok tika free ckit. stress sikit zai...
Insya Allah. tapi xberapa pandai sngat3 pun. Masih belajar lagi r :))

Take care to you to kakak ku yang sanagt2 ku sayangi :D

Zai said...

Ok adikku syang..Sbr yer..Insya-Allah, smga di beri kekuatan ya.
Senyum sokmo..muah5x =D

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