Monday, May 17, 2010

7th Weeks. Another 5 (\O/)


Shuttttt i'm focus on SOP for SAP application. Asking the Account Payable staff. Meet the end user. How?What?Why? These are the question yang suppose i'm ask to them.
Account Receivable done
General Ledger done
Account Payable half done
Jeng Jeng Jeng...
"Atika, u should do another part. You do the purchasing procedures. Purchasing also involves the SAP application".
Later r i buat ok :D Kepala nie sudah lalok :((

I'm follow Mr Hafis and Mr Nasir. I'm look at their works. Sometimes, their works are quit challenging. A new experiences for me k :) These 2 person jugak banyak mencurahkan ilmu tanpa minta dibalas. Harapan rakyat.... ahahah sudah melalut plak. Untuk pengetahuan semua. Saya seorang sahaja wanita di sini. Kat IT nie memang xde wanita. :D Later, i will put this 2 guys pics ok kawan2.

My hope:
Saya nak naik kapal macam kak nurul fajriah (Ex IT Practical Trainee) Fajie nie my best friend masa sekolah menengah. Dia student UiTM. Hope dapat jumpe dia soon :)


SaraHatika ZaMan said...

rupa2nyer amai budak2 praktikal yang da naik kapal nie... memang xaci sungguh lor :((

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