Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5th Week [Storm Week]

"Storm Week"
Wuhuuuu.Storm gives a quit "Booom ke babOoom" effect to ALAM's Server.Huhuhu. Lucky coz this storm hanya sehari jek k :D Nilah senarai server yang ada @ ALAM.
  • Common Server
  • LMS Server
  • Antivirus Server@Software Server
  • Other 2 Server [Xingat la name 2 lagi server tue]
Kecoh la my bos nak handle server problem nie. Bukan senang ok.nampak jek senang. Xleh wat macam biasa. Sampai backup server pun inherit dalam problem nie. Hurm teruk right? huh.

5th Week ooooo 5 th week.What i have done on this 5th week.(\^.^/)

As usual do SOP for SAP application. Waaaa a lot of knowledge [sampai xtekira knowledge] yang saya dapat k. "Ika, our part do this and this and that" Then, i captured what they said. Huhuhu. "Ika, come here, akak ada new vendor yang buat advanced payment" Huhuhu thanks kak Sabariah. "Ika, awak nak blaja buat dunning process ngan saye" Huhuhu baik sangat2 lah staff kat sini. Bukan senang nak buat SAP nie.... Tambahan pula i don't have any accounting background. But one precious statement that Mr Gopal told me "U learn IT (Programming,Developing website and etc) but where u want to apply all of this?" Here, is the place. IT can be anywhere. Especially in business. Every company or organization need u as IT savy. I'm not IT Savy. I will be IT expert one day. Insya Allah. Hafis, please don't "merendah2kan" ika k :p


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