Monday, April 26, 2010

4th Weeks [26th April- 30th April 2010]

A quit long i'm not update this blog. Huhuhu :)
Here, is the procedures for clearing in Account Receivable. Huhu5 it looks simple but to perform this clearing need a real invoice from vendor/customer/staff. If the different of this invoice is too large, user has no authorization to perform clearing transaction in SAP.
****This is the menu path to start the clearing****

Kalo anda lihat ini susah, ada yang lebih susah & rumit dari ini. SAP is a simple application. Pernah x anda gunakan "ABAP" Programming. The SAP has ABAP Programming. Huhuhuhu. Pengalaman baru coz dapat belajar menggunakan SAP & ABAP. Thanks to all FAD staff :D

Friday, April 23, 2010

My First MC :)

"I have took an Emergency Leave for today"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another new day

On this day, I got one specific task to do. Seriously this task is really confius. I have no idea how to settle!!! Hurm... Once again Mr Gopal ask me the progress. How i'm suppose to do? Who should i'm asking for help.Mr Fadly is half day.He will enter office after lunch hour. So, the whole day i gonna focus on this job.

  • SAP logon [Status:Pass] OK
  • I'm follow strickly as in Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) something is not right here.
  • Now, i'm stuck here!
  • Just wait & see for solution after lunch hour.Hopefully, this problem can be resolved. ChayOk3.
  • Another one task is to edit my design on incident form.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

21th April 2010 @ ALAM

Two job scope for today :D

  • On this wednesday, i'm designing a Request Form. This request form is gonna be use if ALAM's staff want to request h/w s/w toner printer laptop. So, there is one process involve.

  • My second task is to create 2 flowchar to show the Incident Process. Incident means when staff 's laptop infected virus, staff cannot access to any application, printer problem, lcd projected cannot display via laptop and etc. I got headache to create those flowchart. Becoz i'm not really understand the actual flow. With Mr Fad's help, i'm done creating these flowschart... Congratulation!!! Huhuhu.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20th April 2010

Less more work than yesterday.Yepie!!!Huhu but it does not mean no work for me today k :D Ok dear training diary on 20th April 2010, i have 4 task to do. A simple task :D

Solve a printer server @FMSD
  • Before this i have a same problem but at that time i don't know how to solve this. I post this problem to my facebook but none of my member able to solve this ok :D

  • This is a printer server. We know that a printer can be share among all department and LAN network is responsible to manage the connection. In a simple word is sharing a printer Over LAN.

Solve a Graphic Card Problem

  • For this task, i not do alone. En Hafis is helping me.
  • I need to "Bukak" CPU/Computer and "Keluarkan" Graphic Card.
  • Then a tiny3 thing to do, i'm done (Yuhuuu)

Solve ICT Service Desk connection problem

  • Cannot open ICT Service Desk (Facebook,blog,google,yahoo can be open except this)
  • MISC portal is in intranet coverage but ICT Service Desk is in internet.
  • First, i change the Internet cable to streamyx (not ok yet)
  • Then, i setup at internet connection (still not ok)
  • Hurm. i change the internet cable again and setup the internet connection (still not ok)
  • Lastly, i go to alam server. i do a tiny3 thing, adjust and then my internet connection is ok.

SOP Manual for SAP application

  • En Zam has forgot the password, so my work can not be done today. Arggghhh this week is the last week for SOP Manual (SAP application). Only En Zam know the password but now.........uwawawa
  • It's ok Atika. En Fadly will manage this for you. After lunch hour he "masuk" office. Then,i will discuss with him about this.
  • The worse thing, Mr Gopal has ask me the progress. Arghhhhh do know r Mr Gopal. Can you extend the dead line? It's not my fault ok :(( hukhukhuk

Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Weeks [19th April 2010]

Today is the BZ day.Huh! Really the "penat" u know :(( . There are 3 major job scope for today given by En Fadly. I will descibe one by one ok :)

  1. Install SAP [ABAP Programming,maybe continue using this application 2morrow]
  2. Create Incident Report Form
  3. En Hafiz & En Nasir need to report each Incident & Problem to me. Then, i will keep this database in ICT Service Pack. Here is the step to logon the database.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Already 2 weeks @ ALAM

First, i'm confused to write this blog either in English or Malay. I need to write in formal or "casual". What should i'm writing about? Huhuhu3 a lot of thing that need to be consider,right :D That's why i took 2 weeks to develop this blog. Huh! So for this first entry, i wrote a lot of thnigs starting my first day @ ALAM until today.

First Day on 5th April 2010
  • I have orientation briefing from HR department.
  • My supervisor, En Hairul Fadly Bin Ali is given me a briefly explaination about IT department in ALAM. This short briefing cover on ALAM's network, Network Access Control (NAC) project and NAC database.

Second Day on 6th April 2010

  • I need to involve in NAC project.
  • My task is to install 5 thing in some computer of ALAM staff.
  • To install this, i took the installer from ALAM server.

Third Day on 7th April 2010

  • I have to install Anti Virus software.
  • This software from another ALAM server.
  • Continue the NAC project

Fourth Day on 8th April 2010

  • Continue the NAC Project @ CLINIC
  • Update the NAC Database

Fifth Day on 9th April 2010

  • Continue the NAC project. My part is done in this day. Congratulation!!!
  • Learn on how to format PC & Laptop (Oh! i know a new thing)
  • Learn also on how to do a backup. (Mr David PC has a lot of Virus.Tricky.Huh!)

Sixth Day on 12th April 2010 (A new Week)

  • Mr Gopal (Head of Department) is giving me one big task.
  • The task is to create a SOP Manual. (Dead line is 2 weeks from this date)
  • Create form which is "Aduan Kerosakan".

Seventh Day on 13th April 2010

  • Today my focus on SOP Manual (Too many things)

Eighth Day on 14th April 2010

  • Update NAC Database
  • Set up a laptop @ Main Conference (A new thing for me.Thanks a lot Mr Hafis)
  • Learn on how to Remote Desktop Connection (Actually it is a server remote,huhu maybe)

Nineth Day on 15th April 2010

  • Today is a public holiday for Malacca. "Melaka Bandaraya Bersejarah"

Tenth Day on 16th April 2010 (Today laa, right)

  • I learn about SAP. In E-Bisness subject teach by Pn Aliza, i learn a few about SAP.Huhu
Copyright 2010 by "Sarahatika Zaman " The Author ofTraining Diary